3 years later…
There was a round of applause as Gen walked up to the front and faced the joyous crowd.
“Jovin is my most loyal friend and Leia, who will always be my dearest little sister - both of them have been blessings in my life. Words cannot suffice to express how glad I am to witness their union today, a new chapter in a beautiful story.
I wish the both of you the very best; bliss upon bliss even through trial, as you live by faith and with patience. Most importantly, may the love from on high bind you together, always.”
Rousing applause and cheer rose from the wedding guests. Gen hugged Jovin and Leia, then pushed them together, shoulder to shoulder, and presented them to the crowd once again. The merry night went on with food, song, and festivities till everyone’s bellies and hearts were full.
Near midnight, when the guests began to leave for home, Gen and Jovin broke from the crowd and found themselves wandering outside the village walls. A sense of familiarity overtook them; the world ever so vast under the cover of a starry night, the land wild and mysterious as in the early days of their adventure.
They sat in the silence-washed hour only punctured occasionally by the muted chirping of crickets, under the mighty mustard tree flourishing by the lake.
“How are you feeling about everything?” Gen asked.
“Truth be told, I’m nervous. I’m not sure if this homely life is for me, if I’ll be doing things right…if my past and habits of old will ruin everything…,” Jovin replied, casting his gaze downward at the moon-soaked grass as he curled one of the blades around his finger.
“You’re not your old self, remember? That part of you died on the mountain. You were raised to new life.”
Jovin looked up at him, producing a genuine smile. He was once again reminded of why heaven, in all His wisdom, placed humans in brotherhood and community; it was precisely for moments like this when doubt sought to erase truth and fear fought to supplant a found hope. We all could use a timely reminder.
He sighed but not with a heavy heart. “Can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow…,” he said, staring into yonder.
“I’m not leaving forever. I’ll be back.”
Gen looked over at Jovin. There was definitely a sense of wonder at the way things came to pass but also a comforting assurance that divine will knew all along. That Jovin would find and learn stability by staying. That Gen would assume the wayfarer’s modus vivendi by roving and exploring the limits of his home. Years ago on a quiet night in Baumanneur they had ruminated about this in hushed thought and word. And before, when Gen had dreamt about adventuring to the very edges of the land, he had kept Jovin in mind as a travelling companion. But heaven had chosen what was best for them, and beyond a shadow of doubt, for a purpose.
They fell into ease, wrapped by sovereign hands, and shifted the conversation to quotidian things - the trade of neighbours, the catch of the season, and reports from the Derrian missionaries to Luvitron and Sommer, an ongoing ministry helmed by Gen. It’s in slow moments like this that they realise they’ve both been busy.
When it was getting late, Gen encouraged Jovin to return home. “I wouldn’t want Leia to say I stole her husband, on her wedding night,” he joked. Jovin chuckled, then got up and disappeared behind the village walls.
Now alone, Gen leaned back against the bark of the mustard tree. Staring at the moon’s undisturbed reflection in the glassy surface of the lake, he crossed his arms and breathed deep.
Early the next morning, family and friends gathered at the village gate bidding Gen goodbye. There was no certainty when he’d be back, only a promise that he would be. After a heartfelt exchange of farewells, Jovin stepped forward to where Gen had crossed the threshold.
“You sure you’re okay to go alone?”
“This is me chasing my dream…and I won’t be alone,” Gen said, placing a hand over his heart.
They clasped hands, smiles sincere, then parted. Gen continued down the path and soon passed from their sight.
Everyone dispersed and headed back home. As Jovin walked into his room, he noticed something different. On the table next to the wooden rabbit Pa had made for Leia was a wooden tiger. Gen had placed it there before he left.
He picked it up and the little crafted object looked and felt strangely familiar. He’d seen it a few times when Gen had shown it to him, but this time it was a familiarity from time ago, from way back in the day when it was passed through childish hands and when the paint was not yet chipped and faded. He was lost in the sea of memory and absorbed in thought until Leia called for him and brought him back to reality. Setting the tiger down in its original place, he left the room, closing the door behind him.
Gen visited their friends and was greatly encouraged to see how their lives had been transformed by the outpouring of the Spirit. Ket now had a theatrical career, singing and performing to remind the people of joy from above. Will had opened a soup kitchen with his Ma, serving out bowls of love and warmth. Gunth had its eastern walls broken down and Tyrce worked at building playgrounds, bookstores, and community gardens for the people. The children now play freely in the dove butterfly fields. Fredin now leads a youthful group of volunteers to help the aged with sowing and harvesting. At Baumanneaur, Gen was pleasantly surprised to find a new addition to Atlel’s family (that was not sheep). A little kid running around the fields, prancing after sheep and gently snuggling with them just like his Pa. In West Brook he found Oreill and Odeon industriously working the fields, a farming duo inspiring the rest of their people to discipline. Delirus and his people took care of the mountain and regularly sent gifts and aid to the other communities. The Galvigon symbol was changed from a wolf to a lion.
He found his way to the Southern shores. And indeed it was a beautiful place, golden sand and sparkling waters.
Now at the Northern edge, Gen sat by the cliff at eventide, under the large expanse of the purpling sky. There he rummaged through his bag, looking for the piece of aged and creased paper. A bittersweet smile formed on his face as he studied the untidy drawing, making out the words ‘Kingdom in the North’ along with some sort of castle and two faces.
“Wish you could be here, Ty.”
He stares out into the blue, and lets the wind carry the drawing on to the horizon.
Author’s note: Wondering who Ty is? Stay tuned for the prequel ;) Also, now is a good time to check out the prologue I just made available! Sorry wonky order but I felt there will be a greater impact if you only read it now!
Listen to this soundtrack for feels when Gen and Jovin part at the village gate all the way till Jovin looks at the wooden tiger and closes the door behind him! My initial reference for this was See You Again but then Fast X came out and I found this track with even more feels (the incorporated snippets of See You Again add that touch of magic omg!)
Also the hand clasp was inspired by this haha👇🏻
How I envision Leia to look like:
